FORMS 2024
The on-line submission forms are for initial contact/registration only.
Spaces are very limited so a rider will not be considered registered unless all required forms and fees are in to Karla and the available equines and required number of volunteers are an appropriate match.
NOTE: Riders need an updated medical completed every three years or if there has been a change in their medical condition.
** For new Riders: Please fill out the "Rider Information", "Rider Consent", and "Rider Medical" forms at the end of this page (pdf format), and email to either: karlabraut@gmail.com
PDF versions of all forms are also available for download at the end of this page. Forms can be filled out and emailed to Karla Brautigam at either: karlabraut@gmail.com
- Rider Information Form
- Rider Consent Form
- Rider Medical Form
- Special Conditions Doctor Acknowledgement Form
- Additional Release Form for Applicants with Seizures (if applicable)
- Additional Release Form for Downs Syndrome Applicants (if applicable)
- Vulnerable Sector Check (from local RCMP detachment)
- Volunteer Form
Horse Owners:
- Horse Profile Form
- Horse Usage Agreement
- Vulnerable Sector Check (if leading a horse during lessons)
Please feel free to contact Karla Brautigam or Shelene Williams (on our Contact page) for further assistance.
PAYMENTS: Payments can be made by ETRANSFER to the MVSRA Treasurer at: mvsratrea@gmail.com
Mount View Special Riding Association encourages you to become a member of our Association and take an active role in the club activities. Membership gives you the inside track on our association with newsletters, coverage with national insurance through CanTRA, reduced rates for workships and notification of upcoming events. An Annual Voting Membership is $15. A Non-Voting Membership is $10.
Riders are automatically non-voting members with a $10 fee included once in their riding fees.
MVSRA is also a member of CanTRA/ACET: https://www.cantra.ca/en/get-involved-with-cantra
Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF): http://www.albertaequestrian.com/individual-family/
Fees for MVSRA Membership can be etransferred directly to: mvsratrea@gmail.com

SPECIAL NOTE TO PARENTS/GUARDIANS: The Mount View Special Riding Association has been operating since 1983 and has given many lessons to a large number of people with disabilities. We take our responsibility to provide the safest environment for the riders very seriously, however, it is simply not possible to guarantee that there is no risk involved in riding horses. We can only pick out and train the best people to be our instructors, coordinators and volunteers - and we do just that! The same goes, of course, for the horses we use. Horses, though, even the quietest and best trained can sometimes be unpredictable. This must be recognized as a built-in part of riding for anyone who is taking part - or for any parent who is watching.
We have to point out that falls and bumps may occur. We feel that people with disabilities must be given the opportunity to fail at something, then pick themselves up our of the dirt, and climb aboard for another try. This is how anyone achieves his or her goals.
We will continue to strive for the safest and highest quality of program. We feel sure we can count on your continued confidence at any time.
PLEASE READ: (Signature in separate form below)
I have discussed riding instruction with the rider's physician. I have read the above "Special Note to Parents/Guardians" and acknowledge its contents and the inherent risks, and potential for risk, of horseback riding. I hereby, intending to be legally bound, understand that NO LIABILITY for myself, my heirs and assigns, executors and administrators can be accepted by any organizations concerned with this instruction, including Mount View Special Riding Association, its Board of Directors, instructors, therapists, aides and volunteers and/or anyone providing facilities or equipment and waive and release all claims and damages against them.
Photo/Video/Audio: Occasionally photos, video or audio will be taken for promotion, research and/or training purposes. If you do not wish to participate in any of these activities, please be sure to notify either Karla Brautigam (Registration Contact), or the instructor: Shelene Williams.
Volunteer consent form
Vulnerable Sector Checks (VSC's) are required for all volunteers who have roles that involve direct interaction with those vulnerable participants involved in in the riding program. The VSC must be obtained prior to volunteering with the riding club and needs to be completed at a minimum of every five years or as requested by the MVSRA Executive. The results of any VSC's are kept confidential by MVSRA and its officers and may or may not affect volunteer placements depending upon the nature of the information contained within that search.
Volunteers with MVSRA may be privy to information about the riders, their families and other volunteers that is confidential in nature. Confidentiality needs to be respected and treated with the utmost importance by all MVSRA volunteers. Breaches of confidentiality may result in disciplinary action or termination of the volunteer.
Every participant acknowledges and agrees that Mount View Special Riding Association and the Olds Regional Exhibition, the members and officers thereof, shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage which the participant may suffer on or about the premises during Association related activities. Every effort will be made to avoid any accident. No liability can be accepted by any organization concerned with the activities of the Mount View Special Riding Association, and/or anyone providing facilities and equipment.
Occasionally photos, video or audio will be taken for promotion, research and/or training purposes. If you do not wish to participate in any of these activities, please be sure to notify either Karla Brautigam (Registration Contact), or either of the instructors - Diane Luxen or Shelene Williams.
No volunteer can be accepted for the program until the Signatures have been submitted.
rider/volunteer Consent form signatures
Horse usage agreement signature
I hereby agree to the use of the horse named in the Horse Usage Agreement Signature Form by the Mount View Special Riding Association (MVSRA) for the purpose of providing therapeutic riding for people with disabilities and/or challenges.
I understand the vision and philosophy of MVSRA. I understand that my horse has been assessed by MVSRA Horse Assessment Team and been accepted for use in the program. I am committed to hauling or havng my horse/s hauled to weekly lessons during the program sessions.
I have read MVSRA Horse Policies and I am aware of my obligations and responsibilities toward my horse and the MVSRA and Of MVSRA obligations and responsibilities to my horse/s and I.
I agree that MVSRA and the Olds Regional Exhibition, the members and officers thereof, shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage which my horse/s or I may suffer on or about the premises during Association related activities. Every effort will be made to avoid any accident. No liability can be accepted by any organization concerned with the activities of the MVSRA, and or anyone providing facilities and equipment.
I pledge that the information I provided regarding my horse/s is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
If the horse is not suitable I will be released from this agreement.
Either party may terminate this agreement at any time with a minimum of 30 days notice.